Friday, May 29, 2009

i did not choo choo choose this!

the last monday of every month is when i divvy out the dough for bills. to my horror, this past monday, i noticed that about 360 buckaroos were withdrawn from my account for a united air ticket. i've never flown united. i actually haven't flown anywhere since last july. so, i called the fraud department at my bank, and they are going to send out their investigators (woo woo.) to figure it out. they temporarily credited my account so yadda yadda yadda.

so, a few days pass, and lo and behold, two delta tickets and another united ticket were purchased...for a total of over $1200. so a little over $1500 was taken for a vacation that i wasn't taking. greedy buttholes.

so, yeah. it's not that interesting. i'm just annoyed that i have to spend my saturday morning at the bank (UGH), cleaning up after a sloppy thief (um...who buys plane tickets with a stolen card number?!? i mean, they'll have names on the boarding passes!!!!).

- so, i'm not too fond of my neighbors. they always complain about how i mow their part of the lawn and screw up the grass height. that isn't a hyperbole either. they ALWAYS complain about that. so i did what any gardening chick would do....i threw fistfuls of wildflower seeds all over their lawn. muahahaha...
- currently, my cousins, bro, and i are planning a trip (kinda futuristically since butthole thieves keep hanging around my bank account :P) to go trekking and spelunking in sagada. (umm..many sagada cave entrances are where the hanging coffins are....and the bones of the deceased.)
i'll probably lose my shit because i'll be thinking of every zombie/famished creature/cave movie i've ever seen whilst propelling myself further into a cave where there are probably zombies/famished creatures/things waiting for me? it is going to be awesome.

well, it's almost 3a.

i'm wide awake, but need to go to i'm going to break out confederacy of dunces for the 2342394th time and slug my way closer to the finish line. bon soir, mes amis.

1 comment:

vina sananikone said...

omg...remember when we watched the descent?!

i don't know if your ass should be cave-spelunking.